Archive for April, 2009

Cool Customers

Thursday, April 23rd, 2009

Here are some of our favorite people from Mystery Spot visits past. You can see more of them on our website,

Our good pal author Stephen Dubner (Freakonomics), and daughter Anya stopped by The Mystery Spot for a visit the other day, and while they were here they picked up a few vintage additions to Anya’s wardrobe. Anya was thrilled to take home this adorable 1950’s baby blue girl’s dress with white eyelet trim ($30.) and extra-long beaded necklace ($20.) as well as a bunch of other goodies!

Every now and then the perfect vintage Sixties worn-in leather jacket ($125.) meets the perfect owner, a bell rings, and an angel gets its wings.

Jacket, meet Melissa.

Melissa, meet Jacket.

Melissa is 23, lives in Brooklyn, and is a certified mixologist. Jacket is 37, has authentic Woodstock hippie provenance, and is so happy to have found a home and be worn again.

Wilhemina model Jessica Chalkley is twenty-one years old, hails from Virginia, likes to bake brownies, and has a weakness for thrift store shopping. She took this awesome deadstock Seventies Climax label floral halter hostess gown ($55.) back home to New York City, where she will no doubt be the Belle of the Ball!

Tessa transforms to big-eyed moppet in this Fifties paisley girl’s frock ($35.) and vintage yellow straw boater with fake cherries ($24.).