A Robin’s Tale (aka Miracle on Main Street)

One day a bird’s nest appeared atop the jackalope heads outside

The Mystery Spot in Phoenicia, NY.

Look! Above the jackalopes! It's a bird! It's a plane! Wait...it's a bird!

We took a peek inside and found a beautiful blue egg.

Blue blue blue.

Meantime, the robin had inadvertently flown into the shop.

It flew from room to room – first the record room, then the main room, and finally the room where all our bird paintings hang.

We tried and tried to encourage it to fly back out the front door, without success. It would climb onto my finger, but fly away once I moved towards the door.

Fly, robin, fly.

Finally, it flew back outside.

The end? Not quite….

Laura C., who works at the shop, said she saw something in the bird room,

atop a mid-century bookcase.

She thought it could be…an egg?

Was that possible?

It was.

The robin had laid a perfect blue egg on the bookcase in the bird room.


We carefully picked it up with a paper towel and placed it in her nest,

to join the other one already there.

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